Personal Statement

My name is Mary Thornton. I am a passionate person with an emphasis in signed and spoken languages, human rights and food sovereignty issues, queer theory and politics, the growing field of deafhood theory, international social equality politics, and a recent interest in disability/crip theory.

I began to travel in the summer of my sophomore year at university as a crew leader/sign language interpreter for the Conservation Corps Minnesota Summer Youth Program. This experience revealed to me how enlightening and liberating travel and service work can be. From that moment I became absolutely obsessed with moving, learning, traveling. I spent one month of the following summer studying Italian, Italian Sign Language and culture in Italy followed by a short breathtaking trek through Les Pyrenees. I was hooked. My travels since then have beget themselves. I am perfectly addicted. Everywhere I go I learn more about the world and myself and am determined to seek out more. My travels have inspired me to seek knowledge constantly and share both the knowledge and the simple joy I gain with those I love and any who care to listen. These are my stories, experiences, thoughts, tid bits, and incoherent flabbergasted blunderings–the result of my wonderfully privileged adventures. Join me if you like.

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